Newbridge offers independent, impartial careers advice and guidance regarding education, employment and training to all students. This is delivered in a number of ways including one to one meetings, visits, inspirational speakers visiting school and lessons relating to the world of work. We have a fully qualified level 6 Careers Advisor, Lyndesay Neales. Year 11 students have the opportunity to meets Lyndesay and will receive a personal action plan to help them with their post 16 options.
The school library has a careers area, where students can access a wide range of careers materials including prospectuses, specific employer information, apprenticeship information.
To find out more about our commitment to careers education and our student’s career entitlement at Newbridge please refer to our careers strategy. A provider wishing to support us with careers related activities should contact:
Mrs Rebecca Day (Careers Lead) 01905 763580
Lyndesday Neales (Careers & Transitions Advisor)
Careers Programme:
During tutor time the whole school complete age related Careers tasks to ensure students discuss and explore their futures. A summary of topics are listed here:
KS3 |
Yr 10 |
Yr 11 |
Introduction | Introduction | Introduction |
Work Statements | Work Statements | Work Statements |
When I grow up, I want to be… | When I am 30… | When I am 30… |
Review of ‘Your Choice, Your future’ | Review of ‘Your Choice, Your future’ | Review of ‘Your Choice, Your future’ |
What do you want for your future? | What do you want for your future? | JED database login |
Different types of jobs | JED database login | Different types of jobs |
The Job Game | The Job Game | The Job Game |
JED database log in | Different types of jobs | What do you want for your future? |
Illegal Money Lending Team – social media awareness via Teams. | Illegal Money Lending Team – social media awareness via Teams. | Illegal Money Lending Team – social media awareness via Teams. |
Money Matters – Budget | Review of Life Beyond School Trip | Review of Life Beyond School Trip |
Money Matters – Value for Money | Changing world for jobs | Post 16 destinations |
Money Matters – Staying Safe | Real or not real | Post 16 – What to consider when choosing |
Money Matters – Credit vs Saving | Personal branding | College life – virtual tour 6th form |
Money Matters – Money Mentors | Enterprise | Apprenticeship life |
Skills for work-intro | Skills for work-intro | Application form |
Skills – Self belief | Skills – Self belief | Application covering letter |
Skills – Communication | Skills – Communication | Interview – top tips |
Skills – Self Management | Skills – Self Management | Interview – good impression |
Skills – Team work | Skills – Team work | Personal branding |
Skills – Problem Solving | Skills – Problem Solving | Enterprise |
Skills – Review | Money Matters – Budget | Changing world for jobs |
Changing world for jobs | Money Matters – Value for Money | Money Matters – Budget |
Real or not real | Money Matters – Staying Safe | Money Matters – Staying Safe |
Personal branding | Money Matters – Credit vs Saving | Money Matters – Credit vs Saving |
Enterprise | Money Matters – Money Mentors | Money Matters – Money Mentors |
Careers Buzz test | Money Matters – Pay slips | Money Matters – Pay slips |
These careers programmes relate to the 8 ‘Gatsby Benchmarks’ which is part of the careers strategy from the Department for Education. The strategy is a whole school approach to delivering careers guidance to all of our students throughout their time at Newbridge School.
1. A stable careers programme with a careers leader
2. Learning from careers and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each student
4. Linking curriculum learning with careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experience of work places
7. Encounters with HE and further education
8. Personal guidance
These benchmarks are met by delivering a range of activities from 1:1 guidance, external speakers, visiting higher and further education establishments and business sectors, work placements, careers fairs and through the curriculum.
A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to our students, please see below for a sample of these opportunities.
KS3 |
Careers Guidance interviews available |
Careers Education embedded into PSHE programme and tutor time, focusing on Skills & qualities, career stereotypes, sharing information online, exploring types of jobs and why people work, financial management, online safety and introduction to higher education |
Careers talks, including guest speakers, apprenticeship providers, further education providers and charities |
Visits to local university |
Careers sessions in each subject area |
National Careers Week |
National Apprenticeship Week |
Access to information on the school website |
STEM Careers presentations |
Careers Fayre in school |
Yr 10 |
Careers Guidance interviews available |
Careers Education embedded into PSHE programme and tutor time, focusing on Skills & qualities, preparing for the workplace, sharing information online, safety for the workplace, financial management, online safety and introduction to higher enducation |
Careers talks, including guest speakers, appreticeship providers, further education providers and charities |
Visits to local university |
Careers sessions in each subject area |
National Careers Week |
National Apprenticeship Week |
Access to information on the school website |
STEM Careers presentations |
Careers Fayre in school |
Yr 11 |
Careers Guidance interviews available |
Careers Education embedded into PSHE programme and tutor time, focusing on preparing for the workplace, completing application forms, post 16 routes, employment skills, CV writing, sharing information online, safety for the workplace, financial management, online safety and introduction to higher education |
Careers talks, including guest speakers, apprenticeship providers, further education providers and charities |
Visits to local university and colleges |
Careers sessions in each subject area |
National Careers Week |
National Apprenticeship Week |
Access to information on the school website |
STEM Careers presentations |
Careers Fayre in school |
Careers fayre in Worcester Guildhall |
Virtual open days for local colleges |
Newbridge School is a member of the Worcester Careers Hub, which is in partnership with the Worcestershire County Council and Worcestershire LEP.
Provider Access Legislation
This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s educations or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
Newbridge School uses the Gatsby Benchmarks as a guide to plan our careers programme. As part of our commitment to informing students of the full range of employment, learning and training pathways on offer to them, we are happy to receive requests from training, apprenticeships, employers and vocational educational providers to speak to our students.
We are particularly interested in hearing from providers in:
- Construction
- STEAM employers (science, technology, engineering, art and maths)
- Gaming and ICT
- Health professions and social care.
Newbridge School welcomes feedback from parents, staff, pupils and employers on their whole careers strategy, if you would like to get in touch please contact Rebecca Day on the above contact details.
Useful websites
Careers advice – job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service
Careers Portal (
Useful documents
Life Beyond School Worcester Warriors 25/10/2023