Pupils have Special Education Needs when they have learning needs which are significantly different to the majority of their peers.
Our vision is to:
- to ensure that appropriate adaptation is a key feature of classroom practice, demonstrated through effective quality first teaching
- to maintain expertise and resources to support a whole school commitment to meeting special educational needs
- to ensure that pupils’ needs and progress are recorded systematically
- to take into account the views of pupils, parents and others who are involved when planning to meet special educational needs.
SENDCO | Mr Sakander Zaib |
Address | Newbridge School Midland Road Worcester WR5 1DS |
Telephone | 01905 763580 | | |
Assistant SENDCO | Miss Lauren Sheppard |
Address | Newbridge School Midland Road Worcester WR5 1DS |
Telephone | 01905 763580 | |
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