World Book Day
The theme for this year’s World Book Day followed the message “You Are a Reader,” which was the perfect launch to our setting’s drive to improve reading.
During form time, students worked as a team on two quizzes. The first (a picture quiz) that saw students trying to work out which member of staff was behind each book. Students used a number of various reading skills to determine who’s who from linking book themes to staff subjects to identifiable jewellery or clothing. The second quiz encouraged students to link writing with image in a series of rebus challenges.
Both quizzes highlighted the many forms of reading and the various skills we use to decode when reading for meaning.
Throughout the day, subjects paid particular attention how the written word influences our everyday lives. A whole school writing competition in English was also launched this week with students planning, drafting and publishing their very own short stories.
The aim was to not force literacy and reading on our students, but more to raise awareness of the various ways we can all enjoy such a day and how different activities have been influenced by the written word; thus building up a love for reading.
A wonderful day celebrating World Book Day together.