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Who are Ofsted?

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

You can read more about Ofsted in their guide for parents, found here.

Latest Reports

Please find below the latest reports by Ofsted. If you would like hard copies, please contact the school who will be happy to assist. Below this section you can find a brief outline of the report which you can read to get an overview of our last inspection.

When? Download Link
In Person Visit October 2023 Download
Remote Visit November 2020 Download

Summary of Key Findings

  • Teachers’ checks on pupils’ learning have identified that all pupils need extra reading work. As a result, leaders are providing a range of support for pupils within the classroom and beyond. This includes individual support from pupils’ link workers.
  • All pupils in Years10 and 11 are studying a range of accredited courses,including English and mathematics. Leaders have extended the school day to provide additional support for pupils who need it.
  • Pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9are following a curriculum that is planned to help improve and develop their subject knowledge and promote their social, emotional and mental health.Leaders say this will help them to prepare for a return to mainstream education.

School Performance Tables

You can also view the school performance tables by visiting the Department for Education website. Click on the link below to be taken to the website.

View School Performance Tables