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Guest Speaker visit on Knife Crime

In our tireless campaign to ensure the safety and well-being of our students here at Newbridge, on the 23rd June we welcomed Alison Cope, a guest speaker on knife crime to talk to all our students on the dangers of carrying knives and youth violence. Alison’s powerful and thought-provoking talk was very well received by staff and students alike who all felt the inevitable impact of her words.

Here at Newbridge, we believe in safeguarding our students through a multitude of ways including the continuous cross curricular activity links between PSHE and English. As a direct link to Alison’s campaign to reduce youth violence, we will be using her talk as the stimulus for our Summer Two extended writing task linked to the British Value of ‘Mutual Respect’. Our focus will be on speech writing and the persuasive techniques we can use to deter others from making bad choices and encouraging all youngsters to respect life and choose the bright future they deserve.


“I recently delivered 3 sessions at The Newbridge Short Stay School educating the students about the reality of knife crime.

It was an absolute pleasure meeting all the young people and amazing staff. I deliver sessions across the UK and I was genuinely blown away by the level of respect, kindness, and behaviour of the students. I personally want to thank everyone at Newbridge for such a warm welcome and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Best wishes to you all”

Alison Cope


For further information about Alison and her campaign, please visit her website below: